pobarvanka / coloring book
Pobarvanka "NEVER GIVE UP" je nastala kot pobuda malčkom in njihovim staršem v času COVIDa-19, ko smo se morali spopadati z velikimi spremembami. Kot ilustratorka in pobudnica gibanja #skupajzmoremo verjamem, da nas lahko reši ljubezen do ustvarjanja in upanje na boljši jutri. Zato "we will NEVER GIVE UP" in skupaj zmoremo več. Ustvarjamo nove svetove. Bolj sočutni, ljubeči, mirni in predvsem bolj povezani med seboj.
Pa veselo barvanje in veliko zabave!
The coloring book "NEVER GIVE UP" was created as an initiative for young children and their parents during COVID-19, when we had to cope with significant changes. As an illustrator and the initiator of the #togetherwecan movement, I believe that the love for creativity and hope for a better tomorrow can save us. Therefore, "we will NEVER GIVE UP" and together we can achieve more. We are creating new worlds. More compassionate, loving, peaceful, and most importantly, more connected with each other.
Happy coloring and have lots of fun!